Draw the Freehand
Shape as close as you can Endpoint to Endpoint. If you need to use the
command more than once, use the Endpoint Modifier to start each new
section on the back of the old section. If you have more than one Path,
you will need to use Combine to connect all the paths into one path.

Once you have the Freehand Path complete (one Path as close as you can
Endpoint to Endpoint) Type CLOSEPATH at the Command Prompt. (or however
you access the command)

You should be done!
Tutorial 1 : Closed
To Tutorial 2 :
Open Stairs
To Tutorial 3 :
Column Stairs
To Tutorial 4 : Fun with
Forced Perspectives
To Tutorial 5 : Sheets
with Links
To Tutorial 6 : Printer Test
To Tutorial 7 : Printer Color Tests
To Tutorial 8 : Making a Symbol
To Tutorial 10 : Customizing Menus
To Tutorial 11 : Line, Path, Spline, etc...
To Tutorial 12 : Making Symbol Images in 3D
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