What's new around the table!.
Smith Micro Software is maker of Poser 9, the original 3D Model
Posing Software. With the purchase of Poser you get the original figures
from Early Poser versions, including Poser 4, Poser 5, Poser 6, Poser 7,
Poser 8, and the new P9 Weight Mapped Figures. Figures include Human,
Animal, and many other high quality 3D figures from creators like Cubed,
RuntimeDNA, Sixus, and many others.
Poser Pro 2012 is available for users of Autodesk's Maya or 3Ds Max, Newtek's Lightwave, or Maxon's
Cinema 4D. Poser Pro 2012 offers the ability to Host Poser Scenes in your
Productions using Poser Fusion. Poser Pro 2012 is a Full 64 Bit
Application on both windows and Mac.
Smith Micro also produces Anime Studio which is now shipping Version 8 Pro
and Debut.
Smith Micro offers Manga Studio Version 4, Debut and Pro.
Smith Micro also sells several other graphic and utilities. Stuffit 2010
for Windows and 2011 for Mac are available. It includes a new feature for sharing your files,
Send Stuff Now.
ProFantasy has released the newest version of
Campaign Cartographer! Go
here to
see some examples and read more about the newest version of ProFantasy's
Flagship Software, CC3!
Books section has been updated with several new books added.
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Books has links to Barnes and Noble (Barnes & Noble.com), Books A Million (BAMM.COM),
and Amazon Booksellers (Amazon.com).
If you are interested in any of the highlighted books or products, please
use the links for they help defer the costs of this site.
Some people have asked for a method to make a monetary donation to support
this site. A PayPal Donate button has been added to some pages that will
allow you to use Paypal to give a monetary gift.