A Symbol is just a small Drawing. There are some
requirements as to Layers, and Entities that need to be followed to make
sure the Symbol behaves in a predictable way with other similar Symbols.
Those rules can be found in the Symbol Construction
How to... here in the Tips section.
For Symbols, I like to start with a Blank Template.
When I say Blank, I mean Blank. I use the Blank Catalog Template from the
Maps Template Folder. I use the one Appropriate for the Symbol I am going
to make. (In this case it is Blank Map Catalog.FCT)
The first thing I do is insert a Symbol from an
existing Catalog for Scale. In this case we are doing a quick Vineyard
Symbol that I need for a project. I open the Fantasy Catalog of Economic
Symbols (This is from SS1 I believe, but you can use the regular Commerce
Catalog even though there is already a Grape Symbol, we will be making a
different one.)
Insert the Symbol for Scale, then Explode the Symbol.
(This is my Keep It Clean as you go method!)
Notice I inserted a second one and Zoomed in, that
was to give me workspace. After Exploding and Zooming to Extents, one is
deleted to make room for the New Symbol.
Now we need to get rid of the Old Symbol and get rid
of all the extra Layers. Open Layer Dialog and Purge Layers.
Then Purge the Symbol by opening Symbol Manager and
clicking on Purge the symbol should disappear
Now to start the Symbol. Remember, it is for a Map,
we do not need a lot of detail. In this case I want to copy the Style of
the other Symbol, so I examine the look. Black Outline, small Highlight to
the left, Leaf detail, and stem. We are going to start with our Grapes.
Grapes are easy, they are just circles. First we want to change the
Current Color to a dark Purple and the Fill to Solid. (Make sure Line
Width is 0 and Line Style is solid.) Confirm the Layer is Symbol
Definition as well. Now draw your first Grape using the Circle Command.
Now you can use that Grape to make Copies for the Bunch. Select the Copy
Command and start adding Grapes to make your Bunch. (I use the Center
Point Modifier in conjunction with the Copy Command so I have a little
better visualization of the whole outline. It is a preference thing, and
not required.)
Screen Shots of Grape Construction and Placement.
Now we want to add the Outlines in Black. These next
few steps need to be taken in order and continuous, or you may have to
start over.
Select Copy (or to be safe Copy to Layer and use the
Standard Layer!) Select all the Grapes, click OK Do It and copy from 0,0
to 0,0. Now select Change Color and select Prior<important if you are
doing this all on one Layer> Click OK Do It and change to Black. Now
select Change Fill Style and select Prior to select the Black Copies of
the Circles, click OK Do It and change the Fill Style to Hollow. Now we
have Outlined Grapes. We need to do this one more time to make the number
of Entities on the edge odd so they are visible when placing so we are
going to select the Copy Command again and select Prior then OK Do It and
Copy from 0,0 to 0,0. We also need to Front and Back the individual Grapes
to make the Cluster. The Grapes should be on top from Center Out. I
also did not like the gaps, so I added few more and moved a few to cover
the gaps. We now have our Cluster of Grapes.
Screen Shots of Before and After Entity Order
adjustments of Grape Cluster.
Now to add the Stem and Leaf detail. Using Same As
grab the Poly line of the Apple Stem and draw your Stem. Using the same
principles of making the Grape Outlines, make the Stem Filled area. After
you get the color use the Back Command to Back Prior, selecting the Filled
Area. You will also want to Back the Outline.
Screen Shot showing Stem.
One problem, I do not like the Brown Color, since
Grape Stems are often a green tone, we are going to change the color, by
selecting the Stem, and not Color Black changing the color to a dark
green. We also need a second Outline of the Stem, so it will show properly
when dragged. Using Copy, select the Stem, using the And Modifier select
Color and Black then OK Do It and copy from 0,0 to 0,0. You will need to
Back the whole stem again making sure that the Fill is behind the Black
Screen Shot showing New Color for Stem.
The leaf is a little more complex, but not any more
detailed. Decide where the Grape leaf will be, and then draw. You might
want to do a little research and find some pictures of Grapes and Grape
leaves. I am going to do a simple leaf. The Outline I have is just a
simple Leaf to give me an idea. I want mine on top coming off the stem and
overlapping some of the grapes. I am going to use a half leaf to achieve
this look. After drawing the Outline, I am going to Use Copy to create a
section I can Fill with the desired Leaf Color, and add a second Outline
to make the number of edge Entities Odd. I am also adding some vein
details and some darker color for texture. Now I will move it in place.
The last step is to add some highlights to the grapes. This I achieve the
same way as I created the texture on the leaf using solid filled small
polygons. For the highlights, I will use a lighter purple, maybe three
shades from the lightest. I decided to add some highlights to the texture
of the leaf and stem as well.
Screen Shots showing Leaf Construction. The Black
Outline near the Top is a reference for the shape I want. It will be
removed soon.
Clean up the extra stuff, but leave the apple for
now. Now to check our result. Zoom out! Looks good compared to the apple,
but maybe a little too much highlights. Might want to change the color to
something darker, I am leaving it be for now.
Two Screen Shots to check Drawing.
Now we Zoom back in and get rid of the apple. If you
used other Layers, let’s move everything to the Symbol Definition Layer by
using Change Layer Command and Selecting all the Entities. Then we are
ready to Save our Symbol. Select a name and select an Origin then select
all the Entities of the Drawing. When you click OK Do It, the drawing will
be Blank. Checking the Drawing Catalog you will see your drawing is now a
Symbol. Save the drawing as a Catalog. (If you saved your work as a
drawing while you were creating you will need to use the SAVE AS Command
and select Catalog for File Type.) Now you should be able to open the
Catalog as a Catalog in any drawing and add it to the drawing. You could
open an existing Catalog and add this Symbol to the Catalog, or start your
own Catalog of Custom Commerce Symbols.
Screen Shot with the Drawing before being defined as
a Symbol.
Screen Shot with the Symbol as a Symbol in the
Drawing after Defining the Symbol.
Screen Shot with the Symbol as the Current Catalog.
Drop me a
line if you have any questions.
Tutorial 1 : Closed
To Tutorial 2 :
Open Stairs
To Tutorial 3 :
Column Stairs
To Tutorial 4 : Fun with
Forced Perspectives
To Tutorial 5 : Sheets
with Links
To Tutorial 6 : Printer Test
To Tutorial 7 : Printer Color Tests
To Tutorial 9 : CLOSEPATH Command
To Tutorial 10 : Customizing Menus
To Tutorial 11 : Line, Path, Spline, etc...
To Tutorial 12 : Making Symbol Images in