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Node Tools
Menu Bar: Edit> Single Entities> either
Insert Node, Delete Node, or Dynamic Edit (Move Node)
Icon: Included in CC2
is a great tool created by Chris Conboy and helps customize Icon Toolbars
to improve your workflow.
Right Click Context Menu: several of the
Edit Icons> Visual Edit (this is the Move Node
Most of you all have used one or more of these
Commands, so I am going to just mention what each one does and list some
additional uses for these Commands.
These three Commands are related. The Icons appear near
each other with the Trim Icons and they are together in the Menu under
Single Entities.
Insert Node seems Obvious on the surface, it adds a
Node to the selected Entity. For the most part that is true. With that
said, there are a few things you need to know. First most importantly, the
entity in question has to be able to have a Node Added. This means that
Add Node will not affect a Circle, Line, Ellipse, Arc, Point, Any Entity
of a Group, Symbols, Text, or a Multipoly Entity. The reason for this in
most cases is the Entity in question is already limited to a specific
number of Nodes, with the exception of the Text, Symbols and the Multipoly
Entity. (Point, 1 Node; the rest Two or Three Nodes) The Multipoly Entity
and Symbols are locked when created and need to be Edited with their
special methods. For Symbols you use Symbol Manager and Edit the Symbol.
For the Multipoly Entity you need to Explode the Entity and then Edit the
components that made up the Multipoly. Text is not normally an Editable
Entity, other than Color, Scale, etc... of the Text Properties. Do not
worry, if you try to Insert a Node into an Entity that can not accept one,
the Command ends. (This is a good clue that the Entity in question can not
have a Node added and thus must be one of the above. This may seem
obvious, but it took me several attempts trying to grab the right Entity
once, only to realize that it was not grabbing it because it was a
When you Insert a Node into the appropriate Entity you
need to be careful if you just want to add a Node, but not alter the
Entity. The first click adds the Node, but then you need to click again to
lock the Node in place. The effect will depend on the type of Entity,
neighboring Nodes, and frequency of Nodes. The few Nodes near, the larger
area it will affect. Smoothed Entities the Add Node will alter the Spline
Framework, which in turn will alter the Spline. The Node itself will
become part of the Framework, not the visible Spline.
Delete Node is a good way of getting rid of a mistake
on a complex Coastline. When I am doing a River or Coastline and I mess
up, I keep going, knowing I can fix the mistake later with one of the Node
Edit Tools (either move or delete normally) Just as with Insert Node, you
can not delete Nodes in certain types of Entities.
Move Node or Visual Edit grabs the nearest Node and
allows you to lock it to a new location. Grabbing the right node sometimes
is the hardest part of this Command. As with Insert Node, Move Node with
move the Nodes of the Frame work on Splines.
1. Remove errant Nodes from a drawing function. If you mess up and place a
Node in the wrong spot, there is no need to stop drawing. just place the
next Node where you wanted the previous Node and continue Drawing. When
are done Drawing, use Delete Node to remove the wayward Node.
2. After using Offset on a Poly you if you have parts of the Offset crossing the
new Entity. Instead of using Trims to remove the 'Jumbles', use Delete
and Dynamic Edit to fix the errors created by the Offset, thereby
maintaining the integrity of the Entity.
3. Using SPLINE you have drawn an Entity and now want to Trim it to a
Entity. Instead of worrying about the problems resulting from Trimming
Smoothed Entities, use Dynamic Edit and a Modifier to change the placement
of the Smoothed Entity's Endpoint. Delete Node will also work to shorten a
Smoothed Entity without needing to Change the Entity to No Smoothing as
would if you wanted to Trim.
NOTE: SPLINE End Points are always the End of the Entity; however, the
Points on a SPLINE and all the Points on a SPOLY are NOT actually on the
Drawn Entity. PSPLINE and PSPOLY Points are always on the Drawn Entity.
can not accurately Edit Nodes that are not on the Drawn Entity. Toggle
Frames On to see what I am talking about after drawing a SPLINE.
The Black Path is a Smooth Poly Line, or Smooth Path.
The White that borders it is the Frame shown when you turn Frames On (CTRL+F
Toggles Frames On and Off) The end of each segment of the White Frame is
where the actual Node is that establishes the Smooth Path. Only the
beginning Node and end Node are actually on the Smooth Path. The bottom
Path is the Original Path.
Top Path was Trimmed to the Vertical Line. When you
Trim a Smooth Path (Trim to Entity was the Trim used here) notice that the
Frame is not Trimmed and the End Point of the visible Path is not
connected to a Point on the Frame.
The middle Path is Trimmed by deleting the End Node,
which changed the End Node for the Path to the next Node along the Frame.
Then, using Move Node, move the new End Node in conjunction with the On
Snap to connect the end of the Smooth Path to the Vertical Line. For all
of those that had a Map that suddenly was very tiny when Zoom Extents, but
never could find anything outside the Border, or one that went Corrupt on
you, this I have found is often the culprit.
4. To separate two Identical Entities use one of the Node Edit Tools to
Change Remove or Add a Node so you can Isolate one of the Identical
Entities. eventually everybody messes up and Copies and Entity right where
it already was. Instead of deleting both Entities you can use the Node
to isolate the Top Entity. The reason this works is the Node Tools only
on one Entity at a time. By using Insert Node you can add a Point and move
it off to one side of the twin so you can handle the clone with Erase, or
Change without affecting the Entity that shared the space. If you want to
salvage the Entity and return it to its original shape, just use Delete
after changing the Layer or Color so you can Isolate it from the other and
it will return to the shape it was before you started. I once had 10
Identical Entities (the result of using Copy on a Multipoly then
Explode) and
this was the quickest Method to isolate each one so I could erase all but
5. Use Dynamic Edit along with A Modifier such as Endpoint to grab a
specific Point and attach it to an Endpoint of an existing Line.
6. Use Dynamic Edit and the other Node Tools to fine tune a Coastline,
River, Road, Contour, etc...
7. Use Dynamic Edit to resize a Circle or reshape an Arc.
8. Use the Node Tools to distort a Shape. I find myself wanting a odd
such as a Pentagon with one side distorted. To make the Pentagon perfect I
use Regular Polygon and then use the Node Tools to add the distortion. The
result is a distorted perfect pentagon, (yes, I know that is an
9. The above method works in making Isosceles Triangles from the Regular
Polygon Triangle when used in Combination with Ortho.
10. Before the Star Macro, I use to use Regular Polygon and Insert Node
the Midpoint Modifier to make Stars. This method of Combining Insert Node
with Modifiers works for other modifications is why I mention it here.
Play around and see what other uses you can find for the Node Tools.
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